Sunday, January 9, 2011

Delicious Misery

I start the second half of my junior year tomorrow. Somehow it's made me more reflective than the year's end. I've found out a lot about who I am over this break. But more importantly, who I'm not. 

I've been angry, frustrated, reformed.
I've been loved and I've loved back.
I feel like I'll never be the same as I was before.
But I truly believe it's because I'm growing up.

I'm like Drew Baylor who said, "Maybe things really are black and white."
And in taking Claire Colburn's advice, I'm sinking deep into the "delicious misery of everything that's happened."
Of course, my dad didn't die and I wasn't fired from a multi-billion dollar shoe company by Alec Baldwin.

But I still kind of feel like my life is on the brink of something great.
I've been trying new things and going new places that teach me things about myself.
I'm not certain of what I want to do or where to leap from here.
But I'm ready to make a splash.

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