Sunday, August 28, 2011

Trust Me, I've Been Other Candles

Unfortunately, I didn't get a pic of my outfit Friday but that's because I was running so very late! I woke up at 10:55, realizing I needed to leave in 5 minutes. I threw on a pair of dark skinnies, a floral top, and black flats. Instant sophistication. Well, at least in the wake of me not having showered.

Leslie and I met up after class for lunch at a cafe and for a movie. It's always so lovely to catch up with Leslie because we can always reminisce about our days in London. I had a totally out-of-this-world basil chicken sandwich on sourdough bread. We smuggled our diet Cokes into the theatre next door. 

Overall, I liked this movie because it was quirky and different. I like all the people as actors though I'm not sure how I feel about Paul Rudd--he was great as a lovable guy that unwittingly screws up--but I had a hard time believing him as a long-haired gypsy hobo guy. A lot of movies are predictable and have the same basic storyline but this was very different and I appreciated it for that. 

And isn't Zooey darling as ever at the premiere? 

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