Saturday, September 24, 2011

Fall TV Premieres

I'm not usually a big watcher of TV. I prefer to get a season of a show, skip the commercials, and not be left hanging at the end. But I've noticed that this fall a lot of shows are branching out of the cop, law, CSI genre (which is so tired). Here's what I think so far.

New Girl, Tuesdays 9PM FOX

It's not surprising that I loved this pilot because I am a sucker for any and all things Deschanel. I love Zooey and I love her sister Emily in Bones. The main character Jess is just so cute, relatable, and funny. I laughed out loud numerous times and my heart melted for her room mates. So sweet.

The Playboy Club, Mondays 10PM NBC

Awkward? Maybe. Although I hear it didn't do very well ratings-wise I felt surprisingly drawn in. I'm not a Playboy culture fan in the least but I thought the idea for this show was interesting. It takes place in the 60's so I naturally loved the costumes. The story is nothing like I expected... murder in the first five minutes? Mayhem! I feel really awkward for admitting that I actually liked this pilot but I did. There. I said it. 

Up All Night, Wednesdays 8PM NBC
Maybe I just like all the horribly cheesy shows? Sue me. I love Will Arnett and Christina Applegate, especially together in this comedy. The second episode featured them trying to be the cool neighbors and the subtlety of the humor had me chuckling. 

Revenge, Wednesdays 10PM ABC

It was my mother who was interested to see this show. I'm glad I decided to watch it with her though because it was better than I expected. Emily VanCamp is so beautiful and innocent-looking that it's hard to imagine how cunning and vindictive she is. And knowing that, you'd think you would hate her. But she's seeking revenge to vindicate her father's death--it's almost noble in a completely fictional-TV-sort-of-way. The setting is beautiful as well.  

I'm also excited to see Pan Am & Hart of Dixie. Pan Am's plot is pretty obvious but Hart of Dixie is supposed to be about a successful doctor in New York who accepts a job in Alabama. She's culturally shocked and has to adjust to her new life. I love Rachel Bilson and have had withdrawals since The OC so it will be nice to see her again. 

What are your favorite new shows?

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